Kraft-Kinsey Award for MFA Students

Congratulations to our 2022 Kraft-Kinsey Awardees:
Tyler Patton and Tyler Raso

The Kraft-Kinsey Award for MFA Students supports a writing project by an Indiana University MFA student that makes substantial use of the Kinsey Institute’s materials and archives. The award is a unique opportunity for emerging writers to give voice to issues of human sexuality, as exemplified by the Kinsey Institute and its collections, while simultaneously discovering new connections between human sexuality and art. The possibilities are as vast as the Kinsey’s holdings: the writer could examine human sexuality in its behavioral, biological, cultural, historical, artistic, or social forms.

Terms of the Scholarship

  • There may be up to two recipients selected for the Scholarship.
  • Each recipient of the Scholarship will receive $1,000.
  • Each recipient must give a public performance of the finished project.

This award is made possible through a partnership between the Kinsey Institute and the Creative Writing Program at Indiana University, and funded by the Martha C. Kraft endowment.

For more information about the Kraft-Kinsey Award for MFA Students, please contact Dr. Samrat Upadhyay, Martha C. Kraft Professor of the Humanities, at 812-856-5882 or

Previous Awardees

2017  Yael Massen
2021  Rose Zinnia 

Support Kinsey

Sexuality and intimate relationships are essential to our individual and collective well-being. Your support will help the Kinsey Institute advance research and education in the science of love, sexuality, gender, and sexual health, and give our diverse field of researchers the resources they need to make new discoveries.


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