Kinsey Institute Lecture and Discussion Series

The Kinsey Institute Lecture & Discussion Series highlights current sex and sexuality research from a wide array of disciplines. Speakers include Kinsey Institute faculty, visiting scholars, Kinsey Institute affiliates, and invited researchers. Lectures are offered throughout the academic year and are free and open to the public. 

Fall 2024

Dr. Wendy Kline

September 6
11:30-12:30 p.m.
328 Lindley Hall, Kinsey Institute Seminar Room

Join medical historian Dr. Wendy Kline for a talk exploring themes from her latest book Exposed: the Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam and detailing the radical transformation of gynecology during the first half of the 20th century as the profession sought to deepen understanding about the interrelationship of sex and gynecology.

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Dr. Maria Uloko

October 4
11:30-12:30 p.m.
328 Lindley Hall, Kinsey Institute Seminar Room

Dr. Maria Uloko is a trailblazing urologist revolutionizing the field of comprehensive sexual health. Her expertise spans across an impressive range of treatments, addressing needs of all genders with equal vigor and precision. From tackling challenging conditions like vulvar arousal dysfunction and sexual pain, to pioneering in low libido solutions, menopause management, and hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Uloko stands at the forefront. Her work in regenerative ED treatments, advanced erectile dysfunction solutions, and penile prosthetic surgery, including her expertise in Peyronie’s disease, is nothing short of groundbreaking.


Dr. I. ​India Thusi

November 8
11:30-12:30 p.m.
328 Lindley Hall, Kinsey Institute Seminar Room

Professor Thusi is a Professor of Law at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law with a joint appointment at the Kinsey Institute. Her research examines racial and sexual hierarchies as they relate to policing, race, and gender. Her articles and essays have been published or are forthcoming in the Harvard Law Review, NYU Law Review, Northwestern Law Review (twice), Georgetown Law Journal, Cornell Law Review Online, amongst others.

Support Kinsey

Sexuality and intimate relationships are essential to our individual and collective well-being. Your support will help the Kinsey Institute advance research and education in the science of love, sexuality, gender, and sexual health, and give our diverse field of researchers the resources they need to make new discoveries.

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