Kinsey Institute Newsletter Spring 2022

Upcoming Events

Mar 19 - May 21: Exhibition: Austin Osman Spare: Psychopathia Sexualis

April 1: Exhibition: Bettina Rheims: Everything All At Once

April 1 - May 6: Exhibition: Emilio Sanchez: Intimate Forms

April 15: Application deadline for Summer Human Sexuality Intensive.

April 28, 7:30-8:30pm: Spring Book Club: Dirty Works by Brett Gary
Morgenstern Books / Livestream

Self portrait by Austin Osman Spare is featured in the exhibition "Psychopathia Sexualis."

Announcing the 2022 Alfred C. Kinsey Distinguished Researcher Awardee

Congratulations to Dr. Charlene Muehlenhard.

The Psychopathia Sexualis Folio

Learn more about our collection of works by English artist Austin Osman Spare.

An Evening at the Britely, Los Angeles

A panel of Kinsey Institute researchers met with friends of the Institute at our Winter Fundraising Event.

April 8 is #ACKDay!

Join the festivities online as we honor our founder Dr. Kinsey on the occasion of our 75th anniversary.

Two Exhibitions Opening April 1st

Bettina Rheims: Everything All At Once and Emilio Sanchez: Intimate Forms open in Bloomington.

Recent Research & Publications

Bennett-Brown M, Adams OR, Campbell JT, Moscovici Z, Gesselman AN. (2022). Chronic Vulvovaginal Pain in Patients of Color: Benefits of Partner Supportiveness in Relation to Sexual Dissatisfaction and Distress.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(7):3975. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph1907397

Carter, C. S. (2022). Oxytocin and love: Myths, metaphors and mysteries.Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 9, 100107. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpnec.2021.100107

Kolacz, J., daSilva, E. B., Lewis, G. F., Bertenthal, B. I., & Porges, S. W. (2022). Associations between acoustic features of maternal speech and infants’ emotion regulation following a social stressor. Infancy, 27(1), 135-158.

Selected Media

"A Love for the Ages." Deseret News, Mar 5.

"A broken heart is more physical than you think (Rebroadcast)." 1A Podcast (NPR), Mar 8. Interview guests include Dr. Justin Garcia.

"Law, Sex Work And Social Justice." The Law and Justice Podcast, Mar 9. Interview with Dr. India Thusi.


SAVE THE DATE: September 6-7

The Kinsey Institute 75th Anniversary Research Symposium in Bloomington will feature lectures by current and past Kinsey Institute researchers, and appearances by recent research award fellows, and more!

Support Kinsey

Sexuality and intimate relationships are essential to our individual and collective well-being. Your support will help the Kinsey Institute advance research and education in the science of love, sexuality, gender, and sexual health, and give a diverse field of researchers the resources they need to make new discoveries.

Pledge your support
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