Information about awards and fellowships available to scholars and students at the Kinsey Institute.
Applications are open for the 2025 Ogden Scholarship >
Applications are open for the 2025 Sexology Fellowship >
Endowed by donors in 2018, the Alfred C. Kinsey Distinguished Researcher Award honors renowned scientists and academics who shape our understanding of human sexuality through their sex research. The recipient is chosen each year by Kinsey Institute faculty, and is invited to give a public lecture on the Indiana University Bloomington campus.
Endowed in 2021 by Dr. Kenneth Haslam, an academic anesthesiologist and long-time friend and supporter of the Kinsey Institute, this award supports the work of Kinsey Institute and affiliated researchers conducting research on non-monogamy, alternative sexualities, and intersections of diverse relationships and sexuality.
Offered through the College of Arts and Humanities Institute (CAHI), the fellowship supports a cutting-edge project in the arts or humanities by an Indiana University faculty member that makes extensive use of the Kinsey Institute’s holdings. The award provides a two-course release and resources at the Kinsey Institute, including access to collection materials and staff, desk space in a shared faculty research cluster, dedicated reserve space in the Kinsey Institute Library, and an Undergraduate Library Assistant on an hourly basis. The winner will also be given the title of Affiliated Faculty or Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute.
Applications are now open for the 2025 Ogden Scholarship.
The Gina Ogden Curatorial Scholarship is awarded annually to professionals and students, including undergraduates, who would benefit from using the library and archival materials at the Kinsey Institute.
The intent of The Scholarship is to stimulate new ways of building on Dr. Ogden’s integrative Four-Dimensional Wheel (4-D) approach to sex research and therapy, and to carry forward Dr. Ogden’s award-winning work.
Applications are now open for the 2025 Scholars of Sexology Fellowship.
The Scholars of Sexology Fellowship is awarded annually to an exceptional candidate in the field of sexology, and is intended to support the use of library and archival materials at the Kinsey Institute.
The Kraft-Kinsey Award supports a writing project by an Indiana University MFA student that makes substantial use of the Kinsey Institute’s materials and archives. The award is a unique opportunity for emerging writers to give voice to issues of human sexuality, as exemplified by the Kinsey Institute and its collections, while simultaneously discovering new connections between human sexuality and art. The award is made possible through partnership between the Kinsey Institute and the Creative Writing Program at Indiana University, and funded by the Martha C. Kraft endowment.
Sexuality and intimate relationships are essential to our individual and collective well-being. Your support will help the Kinsey Institute advance research and education in the science of love, sexuality, gender, and sexual health, and give our diverse field of researchers the resources they need to make new discoveries.
Pledge your support